Table of Contents
ITU-R Propagation Models and Prediction Methods for today’sRadiocommunication Systems
Why consider propagation?
Why consider propagation?
Principal categories of propagation effects
Variability inPropagation Medium
CATEGORY 1Ground and Obstacles
Terrain Effects
Propagation over smooth Earth
Propagation over smooth Earth
Propagation overIrregular Terrain
Diffraction and Microwave Interference
Diffraction overIrregular Terrain
Diffraction in Microwave Interference (site shielding)
- Ground and obstacles -Effects of Buildings - Outside
Short-RangeOutdoor Propagation
Outdoor PropagationRec. P.1411
Over Rooftop Propagation
Street Canyon Propagation
Path Loss Models(Rec. P.1411)
Broadband Radio Access
Recommendation P.1410
Cumulative Coverage (Recommendation P.1410)
Effects of Buildings - Outside
Land Mobile-Satellite Propagation
Roadside Building-Shadowing Model
Roadside Building-Shadowing Model
Roadside Building-Shadowing Model
- Ground and obstacles -Effects of Buildings - inside
Indoor Propagation
Effects of Buildings - inside
Effects of Buildings – inside(Rec. P.1238)
- Ground and obstacles -Effects of Vegetation
Vegetation(shadowing by a palm tree)
Vegetation(shadowing by a pine tree)
Vegetation Effects on Slant Paths
Roadside Tree-Shadowing Model
Roadside Tree-Shadowing Model
Attenuation in Vegetation
Recommendation P.833
Specific Attenuationdue to Woodland
Effects of Vegetation
2Troposphere (clear air)
- Troposphere (clear air) -Gaseous absorption
Absorption byAtmospheric Gases
Attenuation byAtmospheric Gases
Attenuation by Atmospheric Gases
Atmospheric Gaseous Attenuation
- Troposphere (clear air) -Super-refraction and ducting
- Troposphere (clear air) -Super-refraction and ducting
Atmospheric Refractivity
Refractivity gradientin lowest 65m (10% time)
Refractivity Effects in Propagation
Refractivity Effects in Propagation
Super-refraction and ducting
Super-refractivity and ductingin Microwave Interference
Super-refraction and ducting(Rec. P.452)
3Troposphere (non-clear air)
Rain Model
Rain Effects on Propagation
Cloud model
Rain and Cloud Attenuation
Rain and cloud attenuation
Rain and cloud attenuation
- Propagation considerations -Summary