Eloi Appora

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First name : Eloi-Emmanuel

Family Name: Appora-Gnekindy Ngagnan

Date of birth: March 25,1980

Country: Central African Republic

Marital Status:single

Current Occupation:student


[edit] More about me

[edit] Education

I have a Bachelor's degree in Mathematics at the University of Bangui. I am currently taking a second Bachelor's degree in Computer Systems and Networks.

[edit] Interest

Computer networking, programming languages, free and open source softwares; Reading, Music,Fitness,Volunteering.

[edit] Languages

English,French,Sango,Lingala . I can also speak with computers in C/C++,Pyhton and Java :-)

[edit] My Contributions to the 2007 School

Diary for Tuesday 06,February 2007 Diary for Monday 19,February 2007

[edit] My Pictures


Image:apps2.jpg Image:G2_LongLink4.JPG

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