Tuesday06 Group2

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Image:Wellcome.jpg‎ Dairy: Tuesday 06 February 2007, By E. Appora (Central African Republic)

[edit] Interference and Co-existence

Today's session started at 9:00 am with the lecture on Interference and Co-existence, presented by Pr Ryszard Struszak. Interference and coexistence are important concepts that have to be considered when building radio links . We learned about wanted and unwanted signal effects and multidimensional radio space.The subject can get even more complex, but with well chosen real life examples , experienced Pr. Struszak made the concepts easily understandable by every participant .

And then it was time for d a coffee break, right inside the Galileo Guest House at 10:00 (no need to go to the Main Building's cafeteria...)

[edit] Networking Basics

The rest of the time (from 10:30 to 6 something...) was devoted to Networking Basics, a 2-part lecture presented by Christian Benvenuti. It was meant to be a quick briefing of basic networking concepts such as the OSI model, the TCP/IP stack ,addressing sub netting and routing, NAT/PAT. instead, the teaching approach introduced by the lecturer brought up such an interesting discussion that the instructors suggested giving extra-lecture on the matter. We went as deep (well, not that deep but...sort of) in the subject as matching each and every layer of the model with the associated protocols,services,devices and other comceps as well.It was impressing to see how bright some participants in their answer and remarks. As usual, we had a lunch break at 12:00 am , resumed session at 2:00 m with another break at 4:00. The lecture resumed with a review on Linux installation prerequisite: partitioning,hardware requirements,installation process. C. Benvenuti then started a sample install with Fedora Linux, but it was already time to go to the Get-Together Party at the Adriatico Guest House located near the sea. Please don't get drunk...

[edit] Photo




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