Monday19 Group2

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Image:Wellcome.jpg‎ Dairy: Monday 19 February 2007 E.Appora, Central African Republic

This is the last week, and the first day started with some new highlights on the programs


[edit] 9 -10 am Telecommunications Impact on Developing Countries (by W. Luther, NASA)

This was the first lecture of the day , given by W. Luther from the NASA. He presented a panorama of some of the key issues related with ICT especially in the developing countries, such as ICT policy,low costs equipments,Internet concerns, IP Telephony expansion . The lecture made room for a vivid discussion on the above issues.

[edit] 10:20 -12:20 Introduction to WiMax (by Prof. E. Pietrosemoli)

WiMAX is an emerging technology which is worth discussing. Therefore, this new feature has been added to the School agenda. Presented by E.Pietrosemoli, this lecture gave participants an insight into the WiMAX world. WiMAX stands for Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access. The lecture discussed the IEEE 802.16 set of standards associated with this technology, the general features and some specifications,as well as information on types of equipment and the vendors .

A few time was reserved for the report on a long-range 100 km Point-to-Point Wifi link achieved by the Lab's team. This report can be found here. Then it was time for lunch.

[edit] Environmental Monitoring in Venice Lagoon (by G. Cecconi, Consorzio Venezia Nuova, Venice, Italy)

"What does environment have to do with Wireless networking", you may wonder. It was only at the end of this presentation that I realized how useful Wireless networking could be for scientific applications other than mere data networks. The presentation was a case study on a project for environmental monitoring and navigation control in the Venice Lagoon. After a brief presentation of the venice lagoon , Mr. G. Coccini gave an overview of the agricultrural activities in this special area of the city of Venice.

Environmental monitoring in this region requires the use of sensors for the mesurement and probing of different natural factors. In order to improve the reliability of survey system, a Wifi sensor communication will be install instead of the GSM-based system.


[edit] 16:30 - 17:30 S.Okay (by S.Okay, Roadknight Mobility Labs,USA)

After lunch, we resumed session with another interesting subject. The lecturer first presented a comparison between classical telephony versus VoIP (Voice over IP). Afeter an overview of the VoIP protocol, he addessed such issues as regulatory,tax revenue and market establishment. Then we moved on to the technical aspects such as VoIp equipments and softwares, and configuration issues.

The presentation was followed with a Lab exercise on how to confugure a Softphone (we used SJ Phone for MAC OS X). Check here for details.


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