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Its a good idea to have our own antenna designed for the specific application. This day we have designed an antenna individually by following procedure.

The final outcome of an antenna had different steps:

  • Selection of Material
  • Gathering all the Equipment required
  • Tools
  • Scale Measurements for antenna design
  • Drilling
  • Softening
  • Soldering
  • Testing

Today idea we, all the group came to know that different new things, and confidently can say we are able to design the antenna.

See the pictures below.

Measurements for the hole

Drilling: After mesurements of at what length the hole to be drilled, everyone of us make a hole to the can.


Fixing and Soldering

  • Precautions to be taken while habdlind the Soldering, becoz temperature of this is more.

  • Not to handle directly with hands

Drilling the hole

Picture while drilling the hole

Testing and results All of us reached the final stage with a CANTENNA which is capable of tuning the frequencies of atleast on one channel in 1- 8.

You can see the picutes while testing woth portable spectrum analyser.