Wireless Networking for Science in Africa Workshop

Prof.Ryszard Struzak

Ryszard Struzak, (ryszard@struzak.com ), former Co-Chair of WG on Spectrum Utilization and Management of International Union of Radio Science and V-Chair of the ITU Radio Regulations Board, is a Full Professor in the National Institute of Telecommunications and Co-Director of ICTP-ITUD-URSI School on Wireless Networking at International Centre for Theoretical Physics. Previously, he served as Senior Counselor and Head of Technical Department at the ITU International Radio Consultative Committee, Editor-in-Chief of Global Communications and independent consultant to international, governmental and private-sector entities, and held other senior positions.

Prof.Struzak's webpage »

Prof.Ermanno Pietrosemoli

Ermanno Pietrosemoli is currently a researcher at the Telecommunications/ICT for Development Lab of the International Centre for Theoretical Physics in Trieste, Italy, and president of Fundacion Escuela Latinoamericana de Redes "EsLaRed", a non-profit organization that promotes ICT in Latin America through training and development projects, with funding and logistic support from NSRC (Network Startup Resource Center), the Internet Society and LACNIC. After 30 years of teaching Telecommunications at Universidad de los Andes in Venezuela, Ermanno has focused on the planning and deployment of wireless data communication networks with low-cost technology in Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador, Italy, Lesotho, Malawi, Mexico, Morocco, Nicaragua, Peru, Trinidad, Spain, U.S.A. and Venezuela. He has presented in many conferences and published several papers related to wireless data communication and is co-author and technical reviewer of the book, "Wireless Networking for the Developing World" ā€“ which is freely available from wndw.net.

Carlo Fonda

Carlo Fonda is a researcher at the Telecommunications/ICT for Development Lab and at the Science Dissemination Unit of the International Centre for Theoretical Physics in Trieste, Italy. He has been teaching wireless technologies since the 90s and has lectured in numerous African countries. His current interest is in Wireless Technologies, Rich Media production and 3D Printing.

Dr.Marco Zennaro

Marco Zennaro holds a Master's Degree in Electrical Engineering from Universita di Trieste and a Ph.D. from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm, Sweden. As a researcher in the International Centre for Theoretical Physics in Trieste, Italy, he has focused on the use of ICT for development, particularly for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) and scientific applications. He is one of the authors of three books: Wireless Networking in the Developing World, Science Dissemination using Open Access, and Mobile Science and Learning. Marco has taught courses about wireless technologies for many years in numerous countries.

Marco's webpage »

Dr.Sebastian Buettrich

Sebastian Buettrich works with (low-cost) wireless technology, open source software and solar energy to build networks, systems, skills and capacity ā€” as a manager, developer, architect, consultant and teacher. This work is focused on (but not limited to) developing countries and communities, especially in Asia and Africa. One current focus is to help develop campus networks for research and education, with emphasis on global integration and sustainability. His current affiliations are:

the IT University of Copenhagen, where he runs the Research Lab

the Network Startup Resource Center

Wire.less.dk, NGO and company co-founded with Tomas Krag

WirelessU, a group of dedicated professionals working towards a world-wide, people-centered, inclusive Information Society

Co-author of the Wireless Networking in the Developing World book. Sebastian holds a Ph.D. in quantum physics from the Technical University of Berlin in Germany, with a focus on optics, radio spectroscopy, photovoltaic systems and scientific programming. He loves and plays music, is fascinated and engaged with text, language and poetry in many forms.

Dr.Antoine Bagula

Antoine Bagula received the MEng degree in Computer Engineering from Catholic University of Louvain (UCL) in Belgium and the MSc Degree in computer science from the University of Stellenbosch in South Africa. He obtained a PhD in communication systems from the KTH-Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden. The focus of his research is on the design, analysis and control of intelligent telecommunication systems and their integration into the emerging Ubiquitous networks. His current interests include the modeling, optimization, performance evaluation, and implementation of RFID and Radar networks, Sensor/Actuator networks as well as next generation IP/optical networks. Besides his strong involvement in research at the academic and industry levels, Dr Bagula is currently involved in training activities in developing countries as an ICTP, ISOC and WirelessU trainer/consultant.

Dr.Joseph Intsiful Africa Adaptation Programme Senegal
Andrea Marco Borsetti Appsento Switzerland
Alice Bett Kenya Wildlife Service Kenya
Dr.Cosmas Zavazava International Telecommunications Union Switzerland
William Luther USA
Giopanni Repici Italy
Jane Butler University College London UK
Malcolm Brew UK
Prof.Bjorn Pehrson KTH Sweden

ACKAH MichaelNational Nuclear Research Institute, Ghana Atomic Energy Commission, AccraGHANAmikeackah@ymail.com, mikeackah2003@yahoo.com, mikeackah@ymail.com
ALAO Olufunke Janet Center for Satellite Technology and Development CSTD, Abuja NIGERIA alaoolu@rocketmail.com, alaoolu@yahoo.com
AMADI Kofi Amponsah University of Ghana, Accra GHANA amadikampo@yahoo.com
ARCIA MORET Andres Universidad de Los Ande, Merida (currently visiting ICTP, T/ICT4D, Trieste) VENEZUELA andres.arcia@gmail.com,andres.arcia@ula.ve
BASIKOLO Thomas e-Communications Research Group, Physics Department, Chancellor College, Zomba MALAWI thomasbasikolo@gmail.com
BETT Alice Chepngeno Kenya Widlife Service Central Rift Conservation Area, Biodiversity Research and Monitoring Departmen, Nakuru KENYA bettc@kws.go.ke
BOPE Domilongo AIMS South Africa - Africa Institute of Mathematics Science South Africa, Cape Town SOUTH AFRICA (DRC national) christianbope@aims.ac.za
BOUAYAD Anas Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University of Fez, Fez MOROCCO anas.bouayad@usmba.ac.ma
DADJIOGOU Kanlou Zandjina Autorite de Reglementation des secteurs de Postes et Telecommunications, Lome TOGO dkze1@yahoo.fr
ELFADIL Samir Badereldeen University of Khartoum, Khartoum REP. OF SUDAN samir.elfadil@gmail.com
GADIEL Godwin Mruma University of Dar Es Salaam, Dar Es Salaam UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA gmruma@udsm.ac.tz
HABASH Mohamed Yehia Ahmed Egypt Second Research Reactor Atomic Energy, Qalubia Inshas EGYPT mohammed.yehia_sds@yahoo.com
HASSAN Walaa Cairo University, Giza EGYPT walaa@ieee.org
KIPKEMBOI Julius Egerton University Njoro Nakuru KENYA j_kkipkemboi@yahoo.co.uk
MASAI Joan Jemutai KENET Kenya Education Network, Nairobi KENYA jmasai@kenet.or.ke
MGHOGHO Innocent University of Malawi, Malawi MALAWI napster2mghogho@gmail.com
MINUZZO Tiziano Istituto di Scienze Marine ISMAR CNR, Venezia ITALY tiziano.minuzzo@ve.ismar.cnr.it
MOHLALISI Seforo Stephen National University of Lesotho, Roma LESOTHO ss.mohlalisi@nul.ls
MUDACHI Victor Selassie Ministry of Energy Petroleum Department, Nairobi KENYA victor.mudachi@gmail.com
MUDENDA Consider LinkNet Zambia LinkNet IT Academy Machaworks Zambia ZAMBIA consider.mudenda@machaworks.org
NKAGUE NKAMBA Leontine Universite' de Yaounde' I, Yaounde REPUBLIC OF CAMEROON lnkague@gmail.com
SMAILOU Moustapha Institut National de Recherches Agronomiques du Niger, Niamey NIGER ismailou_m@yahoo.fr
TADJOU Jean Marie Ministry of Scientific & Technical Research National Institute of Cartography, Yaounde REPUBLIC OF CAMEROON jtadjou1@yahoo.fr
TAHA Altyeb University of Science and Technology, Khartoum THE REPUBLIC OF SUDAN altypaltaher@gmail.com
THODI Martin Mang'Anda University of Malawi, Zomba MALAWI mthodi@sdnp.org.mw
TOKAM KAMGA Alain Pierre University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg SOUTH AFRICA (CAMEROON citizen) alaintokam@yahoo.fr, Alain.Tokam@wits.ac.za
YEMSON Rose Atnazhin National Space Research and Development Agency, Abuja NIGERIA atnazhin@gmail.com
YONSO Alain Bertrand Atlantique Telecom Centrafrique, Bangui CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC alain.yonso@gmail.com
ANDERSON Benjamin University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast GHANA ben_andah@yahoo.com
KAMGUIA Joseph National Institute of Cartography, Yaounde REPUBLIC OF CAMEROON kjerryfr@yahoo.fr

© Workshop on Wireless Networking for Science in Africa - 2013