Wednesday07 Group3

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By Jain Anjana, India

I am, jain anjana from India is here to tell about todays activities.

Session started with little change in schedule. All participants were asked to go for photo requried for visa purpose after tea break. ICTP take care of all expenses involved. Liabrary visit is also scheduled today before lunch. Session started in time on 9.00 a.m. sharp. FIRST SESSION

Speaker - Professor R Struzak

Time - 9.00 a.m to 10.00 a.m and 11.00a.m to 12.00 noon

Title - Radio Communication Channel and Digital Modulation

Content - Radio Transmiiter and Receiver block schematic and its description,

Basics of Modulation and motivation behind it,

Analog Modulation Techniques,

Digital Modulation Techniques,

Simulation of Modulation Techniques,

Latest Modulation Techniques like OFDM,SS and its variety, Distortions, Eye diagram and Channel Capacity.

Professor Struzak nicely explained the basics of Radio transmitter and receiver. He emphasised on Modulation techniques used for transmission.Various details like antenna issues, carrier recovery, detection schemes are explained. Finally professor demonstrated the simulation provided by Agilent for modulation techniques. Eye diagram and various distortion during the propagation are then discussed.latest modulation techniques like OFDM and SS are also covered. During tea break we had good time.All proceeded for photo to Fermi Building .It was very pleasant climate outside.We took snaps.Its like a hill station located on the hill near th aditric sea sourrounded by lot of greenary. After the lecture all of us visited liabrary. Its is so huge,lots of books, journals arranged in very systematic manner.We saw the photos and differents apprieciation certificate issued to Dr.Abdus salam.I also got registered and issued one book entitled NOBEL PRIZE WOMEN IN SCIENCE. Enjoyed the lunch, Lunch having various dishes but limited choice.

Post lunch session was rearranged. Now its for LINUX installation and networking.


Speaker- Professor C.Benevenuti

Time - 2.00 p.m to 5.30 pm

Title - Networking basics

Content - LINUX UBUNTU installation and networking exercise.

Professor explained yesterday the installation procedure and today all of us asked to install. After certain hurdles we finally installed. The session was basicallly discussion session. As the networking exercise to connect the three group using given resorces is given to the group and each group is required to find the solution among themselves. The discussion are on the wiki page of exercise group 3.Discussion was brain storming.All the solutions then were placed for open disscussion. It continued till 6.00 p.m.Finally Professr provided the good solution and then todays acivities get over by 7.00p.m.All of us rushed to ICTP main building to take dinner.It was drizzling whole day.In night move was planned ,ofcourse in the lab.So the fantastic day was over.

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