Tuesday20 Group3

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[edit] Tuesday, 20th Febuary, 2007, Group3

By Manish Shrivastava, from India

We are now in the last week of our training school. Only few days are left to leave for our home. In last two weeks we really enjoyed and learnt a lot. All the lectures were fantastic. Our directors of this school have been veery kind and helpful in all the activities.

Session1: Wireless Sensor Networks': Today's session started with prof. Bhaskar Raman's presentation on Wireless Sensor Networks. This lecture was much awaited as most of us only heard about this in the school only. The case studies and examples which prof. Bhaskar presented were excellent. He started with some case studies to explain what wireless sensor networks are, and the presentation gave a clear idea about this difficult concept. In this session, The introduction of IEEE 802.15.4 standards was also covered with the clear description. The first session finished with the introduction of TinyOS and Telos.

Session2: Lab Exercises on TinyOS: The post lunch session started with the hand on programming on TinyOS. The programming with this OS was very exciting and excellent. we could learn first time how to change the settings of configuration of a device using the programming. Working in the programming environment in nesC was a wonderful experience. We finished five exercises before the dinner.

The day ended in a very good way with a lot of learning in mind and enjoyment with the nesC programming.

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