Tuesday06 Group1
From School2007
Tools list
Today we add two Linux installation CDs to our tools.
Day 2 – February 06 2007
We start at 9 am with the lecture « Interference and co-existence » by Pr Ryszard STRUZAK. In this lecture, after a review of basic concepts, we learn about : what is interference? What is co-existence? What is EMC ? etc. It was very useful to understand the effect of interference in radio communication systems and the way to avoid it.
At 10 am, we took a non-sugar coffee break!
At 10:30, we start the “Network basics” lecture by Christian BENVENUTI. In this lecture, he give us a brief of the OSI model vs TCP/IP, with the devices and services that would be implemented in the different layers.
At 12:20 we go to lunch without knowing the difference between the 2 ports HUB and a bridge…
At 14:00 C. BENVENUTI give us the response and continue with “Routing vs Switching” until 16:00. At this time we had an other break (without coffee).
We restart and 16:30 with some concepts of routing and then we continue with a pratical exercise consisting of installing the LINUX operating system in a ordinary PC in order to use it as a router. Unfortunately we did not have time to finish…
At 18:30, we have to go to Adriatic Guest House for the “reception” given by the organisers. Thank to them again!