Thursday22 Group2

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This Thursday, the lectures start at 11h. The morning period was scheduled for administratives matters.

Sir W. Luther is the one who holds the morning lecture talking about the future of the telecommunications, topics for cutting edge discussion, forces which have impacts on telecommunications: internet , telephone, radio, televion ... During the lecturer informed the audience about the events which will be hold at the ITU in Geneva concerning the telecoms.

At 12h30 we take a break for lunch.

We resume at 2pm with S.Okay. This lecture talks about the organization INVENEO which traditionally a non profit organization. The mission of this NGO is to empower people end organizations in rural zones which are underserved in ICT, by providing access to the ICT.

Starting at 3pm, G.Repic cover the topics regards the economics aspects of ICT.

ICT is fonction of the national of the economic situation. Mr G. Repic exposed many statistical data regarding the relationships beteen the ICT end the economic factors. This lecture terminates at 5pm.

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