Thursday15 Group3

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[edit] Field Trip to Muggia

By Nahmsath Y., from Togo

This thursday morning is dedicated to the so awaiting field trip to Muggia. Our goal was to establish a IEEE 802.11 long distance link. At 08:30' the participants gathered in the lab and started charging the bus with the field materials packaged the previous day. We were broken up in three operating groups: Power Supplier - Radio - Antenna.

Image: MapM.jpg|-
Having a map help a lot in such acitivity. After +1h drive along Trieste Gulf we were able to join S. Maria Assunta Church (built in 13th century).

  • Muggia...

Family picture@Muggia Image: groupM.jpg

At 170m asl, the weather was obviously cold and bringing jackets was more than a requirement!

1. Repering the best site

The human made promontory near S. Maria Asunta Church was choosen to fix our antenna system. The sight to GGh was clear (no fog!) and using Binoculars was not neccessary. Image: siteM.jpg

2. Monting the antenna structure

Image: montM.jpg

No Comment...

Image courtesy by Technical Engineer Team :-)

3. Aligning the antenna

The alignement of antennas was done by moving the dish reflector to fit the best azimut, while probing the radio signal with a WiSpy device attached to a MacBook. But sometimes, a fine closed eye can help fix the issue definetly :-)

Image: wispuy.jpg Image: alignM.jpg

4. Testing the link... with a Spectrum Analyser pls!

Image: testM.jpg

  • Brief conclusion

Establishing real life long distance wifi link between Galileo Guest House and Muggia was a very meaningful experience for the participants of this school. Despite the fact that we experienced some coordination related issues onthe ground due to a lack of communication between the three operational groups, we were able at least to test successfully differents links state with sometime receiving power reaching -45dBm@11.55km from a 14dBm transmitter!

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