Thursday15 Group1

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The day started on 8.30 am. To-day, wwere are going to Muggia for Outdoor Activities

Morning "Long distance links implementation" (outdoor activity at MUGGIA)

We took big Bus to go to Muggia.

When we arrive, the three group of last night activities started working

         Antennas mounting Group
         Power Group
         Radio Group

We're mount 2 antennas

At first time we don't have signal from GGH. After many minutes we have signal. But we don't connnect to GGH. Why????

Afternoon LAB: "Review of the morning activities"

Before Review the morning activities we had the visit of the staff of the ITU at Poland They talk about ITU and all participants were very interest.


After we talk about Morning Activities. we try to know why, the sources of the mornig problems. Carlos shows that we don't prepare correctly the night activity. Normally all the experiment must being made with in the lab and we should have the connections.

After he invit all participant for unofficial Long Distance Link at Feb. 17

At 19.30 we have dinner

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