Thursday08 Group3

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By Manish Shrivastava,

Hi, Everybody. Today is my turn to write this daily diary on behalf of group3. I am manish Shrivastava. yesterday on 7th feburary, we had a fantastic visit to Library which is simply magnificant. In the night we had a good movie. We started today's morning better than the previous two days. Today the weather was clear. The sea was visible from my roos's window.

Session 1: Morning Session

First lecture: The very fist session started this morning with the introduction of prof. E. pietrosemoli. he is from venezuala and was one of the participant in the ICTP school. he delivered a very exceellent lecture on Wi-Fi. This lecture got finished at around noon 12.00 with a fantastic overview of Wi-Fi.

Second Lecture: The second lecture was delivered by prof. R. Flickenger on Wi-Fi Networking Architecture. Today was the actual starting of the wireless networking. We enjoyed a lot to learn the clear concepts of Wi-Fi network Architecture. prof. Rob demonstrated the concepts with good examples and excellent explainations.

We delayed for lunch break and at 1.00 we could go for our lunch.

Session 2: Afternoon Session

Afternoon session started with some real time exercises on the configuring wireless networking. There were four activities to be performed given by prof. Rob. In activity 1 we were able to connect our laptop to the arpl-lab network after configuring the wireless card. In activity 2 we made our laptop a router, having two interfaces. One is wireless and other is a wired. We also made a local area network using the switch and connected to the router's fixed ethernet interface. here we configured a separate network ( which is different from the wireless access point of arpl-lab. However, our design was ok but in this configuration, we had a problem of network translation. This was very interesting to learn. Prof. C. Benevuti explaind us how to perform this using Masq. At last we could manage to connect our client computers to the Internet through our Router.

It is really very fantastic to learn the new concepts if you have some practical problems and challenges. In these activities we had a true experience of using wireless conncetivity in LAN.

We spent the whole evening in configuring our wireless LAN until the dinner time. Now we are having more confidence in our team work. Today was the nice day in all.

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