Monday19 Group3

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By Jain Anjana, India

Hi,I am anjana,here on behalf of my group.We all had fantastic weekend.Different groups enjoyed weekend in different ways, some went to Miamare casstle and local market of trieste. our professors enjoyed Pincavallo, 101km away from gallilio guest house , established the wireless link successfully .One group including me went to see the most beautiful city of the world,Florence and one of the seven wonder of world, Pisa. Both the places are simply amazing.Now we are here to be enriched with the knowledge.


First Session

Time - 9.00 a.m - 10.15 a.m.

Speaker - Mr. Willium Luther

Topic - Telecommunications impact on Developing countries


The day begin with the introduction of world fame Mr. W.Luther,presently vice chairman of the ITU Radiocommunication Advisory Group.He presented issues regarding Telecommunications impact on Developing countries . These are

- Digital divide in Developed and Developing countries.

- Universal Service and Universal access.

- Internet


Very clearly he mentioned the problems regarding Digital Divide and proposed the solution for same. Its not only to expand the infrastructure but to improvement in educational system to make people aware of telecommunication technologies. He presented statistics and growth rate of VOIP and Internet in developing countries. Today Prof. Raman Bhasker is also with us, he is from IIT Kanpur,India.Today most of the participant including Prof. Raman discussed various telecommunication issues with Mr.Luther telecommunications scenario in their country .

Time 10.45 a.m. - 11.45 a.m

Speaker - Prof Pietrosemoli

Topic - Introduction to WiMAX

Prof. dicussed the evolution of broadband wireless and Wi Max road map.Introduction of WiMax started with its features like

Scable OFDMA


Advanced channel coding

Frame structure

Burst profile

Security issues

MAC Protocol

The first session was over by saturdays exercise review. It was successful wireless link establishment from Pincavallo, 101km away to gallilio guest house by our schools professors.

We all had good lunch,after two days of weekend.


Post lunch session

Time - 2.00 p.m - 3.30 p.m

Speaker - DR.G.Cecconi

Topic - Enviriontal monitoring in Venice Lagoon



Dr.G.Cecconi talked about venice lagoon,artificial protection against flood, monitoring system and WiFi semnor communication system. He talk about acoustic flow meter,impact of fixed structure on tidal flow.

Next session started with introduction of VOIP by Prof. S.Okay. He mentioned the basic features of VOIP like

its protocol


soft phone

common VOIP Codec

Lab exercise continued after dinner till late night. We are said to download the SJLABS and then created VOIP .

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