Monday05 Group2

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Image:Wellcome.jpg‎ Dairy: Monday 05 February 2007 by Adam Cichon (Poland)


[edit] Nice begining

Day started early today – especially when someone arrived on midnight :-)

Just after breakfast (at 9:00 am) we came to laboratory for registration. It was first time we had opportunity to meet each other.

After registration operations we had two hours for other formalities. First of all we had to copy our passports (all pages including empty pages) – it is some Italian regulation for foreigners.

[edit] First lecture

At 11:00 am we started real work.

The first lecture was presented by Professor Sandro M. Radicella, who was traing to approach us to the spirit of the school. Professor focused on present and past activities on ICTP, especially in 9 years history of School on Wireless Networking.

It was very interesting to hear about it – now we understand meaning of this school.

Just after Professor Sandro M. Radicalla there was a lecture presented by Professor Ryszard Struzak. He explained us great importance of wireless data transmission for developing countries.

[edit] Lunch

At 12:00 we had lunch break - we all went to main building of ICTP where we ate our lunch – food almost like at home :-).

[edit] Presentation

At 2:00 pm Professor Struzak presents us all participants. We could see photos of almost every lecturer and instructors of the School. After that Carlo Fonda presents us laboratory and the WIKI, we are supposed to use during the school. Carlo told us about all rules – what to do and not what to do during labs. After that we mad three groups that we will belong to during the school. For the end Carlo also gave us the homework – each group had to make 4 activities:

  • List of group member
  • Vote for the leader of the group
  • List of books, equipment and tools that’s on group’s tables
  • Dairy for the firs day

Then we had short break and at 4:00 pm Doctor Jaroslaw Janiszewski gave us some business advices. He was talking about business plan of Wireless Business using the example of some real project. This lecture helped us to understand that not only technology is important but also the business issue.

[edit] Looking forward

After all lecture we spent hour or more taking photos and making all needed lists. Then we could go for a dinner – like at home :-)

It was very interesting and exhausting day.

We are looking forward others…

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