Friday16 Group3

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By:Shambhu Nath Jha

1st Period

Mesh Networking by Rob Flickenger

The class was started with the benefits and complexities of the Mesh Networking complemented with self healing and self forming with demerits of complex routing with reduced bandwidth (We can optimize the Bandwidth Problem with Multiple radios) and debugging problems for large number of nodes in the network .We got wonderful ideas from our teacher.It would be better to enlist the ideas and some solution of the problems we got during the class hours.

List of the Useful websites related to the Mesh Networking.

Adhoc Routing Protocol:

Adhoc on Demand Distance Vector

Then the Hazy Sighted Link Slate(HSLS)-Mesh Algorithm used for Mesh networking containing more than 1000 nodes.

We also got information on High Throughput Routing,for more information the link below is useful

The class was concluded with many useful tools like OLSR,ETX,HNA,

Second Period

Wireless Security by Rob Flickenger

The security is a big issue but the security is the term which should be utilized in such a way that be able to be hacked by benevolents at the best-"Phrased by Rob". He introduced many security related terms like Public Key Cryptography(Private Key can be created from Public key but not in a simple way-response to a query).Our teacher also gave presentation on detailed overview with application specific information about WEP,EAP,Fast WEP Re-keying,WPA,EAP-TTLS(High Security),WPA-PSk(Pre-Shared Key)-Comparable to WEP,but more secure.For the ngrep,he gave us the website to check the details:

Lab Works after the Lunch

The problem statement was given in the form of the network diagram shown below:


After the lunch we enjoyed the Lab exercises.Actually lab on that day was one of the most interesting labs we had in the recent days.The lab was about the Mesh Networking(Peer-to-Peer/Adhoc mode).We were divided in to three groups.Each had to configure two nodes and each had to connect with each other through wired or/and wireless connections in themselves and to the webs independently.The nodes we used were named as Pyramid and Friefunk.We had to update the firmware for both of the nodes according to their requirements.One can go through the link below to get the updated versions of the firmware.

* Freifunk firmware for WRT54G: 
* Pyramid firmware for Metrix / boxes:

I would like to enlist some of the basic configuration needed for the Mesh Networking.

Frequency Channel=Same for all the nodes (We used Channel number 1-there was minimal interference to that channel)

Access Point SSID=ICTP

Mode =Ad Hoc

We the group3  used IP addresses for LinkSys as and for LAN:
and for WAN as a DHCP.

When everybody were ready and connected to the netwrok tehn we observed the mesh network as shown below,was interesting to note than any user at any node was able to browse the web even some of the network paths were allowed to break.


After having lots of learning with fun we went to the dinner and we retured to the lab for Wireless Security.

Thank You,

Shambhu Nath Jha

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