Friday09 Group1

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[edit] Friday 9th feb '07

[edit] Morning session

The day started beautifully as usual. Prof. R. Struzak took us through a smooth drive into the concept of spectrum, its origin, starting from early scientists to the present day when equipmets are available to measure and analyse spectrum. He went further on spectrum, telling us the freedom once enjoyed in the field of spectrum measurements to the need for regulations as possible solutions to the problems that arose. He further mentioned that these regulations vary from one society to another; that there is no best way; and that there is need for collaborations on the international frame, which has been identified and proved a better way of sharing regulatory ideas. It was a nice and interesting class that ushered us to the coffee break.


[edit] Post coffee break

A continuation of Wi-Fi Network Architecture started. This time around, it was a full demonstration on spectrum monitoring anchored by the ever dynamic Rob Flickenger. It showed to us that the air is being sharedby a lot of other signals, most especially in the unlicensed frequency of 2.4 GHz. A hands-on monitoring of this frequency revealed that other devices in this frequecy determine to a great extent the quality of our signal.

Rob demonstrationg frequecy detection, Steve on the side ....helping generate frequency.

It was a great experience to learn and use open source software to carry out this monitoring. Such software demonstrated was Wi-spy. Oh!, it was a beautiful demo. It was as if we should continue without launch break, but we had to go. So we went on the launch break.

[edit] After launch

While still belching for the food to settle down, the class resumed with the continuation of AP exercise. Activity 4 started with group 1 being the ISP providing internet for the other two groups. It was a successful internet provision. Other groups equally took their turn as the ISP. We also learned how to upgrade the Wireless routers image to allow it act as a client in the ISP exercise.

After this successful exercise, each participant received a UBUNTU software CD. Then we had the first weekly test. Oh! no it was something else.

[edit] Night Activities

The day was concluded by radiofrequency (RF) measurement with Carlo. It was a all-night practical with our eyes heavy with sleep which we eventually had.

Image:Nightg1b.JPG Image:Nightg1c.JPG Image:Nightg1d.JPG Image:Nightg1e.JPG Image:Nightg1f.JPG Image:Nightg1g.JPG

[edit] Links and Further Readings

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