Tuesday06 Group3

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Asif Muhammad Asif Hossain Khan

Though it was Jha's part to write the diary today, I guess he did not find enough time to fill anything up. Anyways, I am writing on his behalf. Afterall, it is going to represent the group not any individual.

The day started with Dr. Struzak's lecture on Interference and Coexistence. With his remarkable ability he explained the complex properties of signal interference with simple examples. I specially loved the analogies he drew. WOW.

It was followed by a cofee break. This was the first time it was not only a break. Thanks to the organizers.

Then started the technical lecture on Networking Basics. It was a nice opportunity for many of us to clarify our vague knowledge on different aspects of networking. Most of the participants did not actively participate in the discussion and from time to time I got confused to figure out whether the topic was too familar to them or they were being unable to keep track of. I was impressed particularly by the arguments of Adam and I must compliment his knowledge in networking. I found all the lectures of Mr. Benvenuti very interesting as they were mostly followed by examples and quizes.

The party at night surpassed all bits of excitements we had for the last couple of days. Having such parties is always healthy for workshop participants - as in these parties we can come out of our professional seriousness and can present ourselves as we really are to our friends. From my experience gathered from other workshops, I know these parties increase the bonding among the participants and increase the team sprit. I hope we shall have more of such parties in the next two weeks. I must mention here the perfornace of Catherine!! Those who have observed it should agree with me, and those who didn't need not know aobut it!! High five Catherine !!

Anyways, at the end I feel we should thank Dr. Radicella for truely understanding our feelings and arranging more wines for us at the end of the party. Thanks you.

I am looking forward for many such wonderful moments in coming days.



Today's diary by Shambbhu Nath Jha from Nepal

Prof. Struzak was so kind in suggesting us in reducing the interference level in the spectrum allocation,we all were interested to solve the problem in our countries and so it was really a good time to have some fun with frequency planning. The remaining day was devoted to the networking and it was more like a discussion panel in the field of networking.I felt that there was less synchronization among the participants as they all were with varied networking knowledge; from expert to medium.The medium were cool ,but the expert,hmmm.-ha ha just for a fun.

We thank our lecturer C.Benvenuti for helping us to understand the Networking basics and the advanced one and we all are indebted for his help to drop us to the get together party with his car;ironically there was rain against our wish to enjoy the BUFFET party,but thanks to Prof.Sandro M. Radicella ,C.Benvenuti ,and the programme secretary Ms. Suzie Radosic who were so kind to help us.

We studied to install Linux(FEDORA),although we will install it tomorrow,we are quite sure that the networking labs will certainly have effective way to induce us the knowledge.We all are waiting for next party next week.The food and drink was nice.The way we choose to reach to our guest house was really adventurous.

Thanks Group 3

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