Monday19 Group1

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[edit] The Morning Section

William Luther from NASA: Lecture - "Telecommunications Impact on Developing Countries."
William Luther from NASA: Lecture - "Telecommunications Impact on Developing Countries."
This day begins the last week of the our programme. The morning activities began around 9:10am. Almost all the participants were present. The others came periodically during the presentation of the first lecture which was given by William Luther from NASA.

Mr. William gave a basic overview of ICT policies. He also gave discussed the impact of wealth on the digital divide. The lecture also covered trends in the spread of telecommunication service over the past several years.

[edit] After Tea

Giving a Lecture on WiMax
Giving a Lecture on WiMax

After the break E.Pietrosemoli gave a lecture entiled "Introduction to WiMax." The lecture basically gave an introduction to the IEEE 802.16 and 802.16a standards which are the standards for WiMax. There was also a basic comparison of WiFi and WiMax.

After the lecture we got an overview of a activity that was carried out over the weekend by members of the lecturer team. For more information see [long distant link]

[edit] After Lunch: Venezia!!!

A picture of Venezia
A picture of Venezia
Introducing Giovanni Cecconi
Introducing Giovanni Cecconi

Giovanni Cecconi from the Consorzio Nuova presented a interesting lecture on "Environmental Monitoring in the Venice Lagoon."
He pointed out the the historic importance and value of the city and how foolding affects this city.
He also discussed the measures being taking by the country to protect and preserve the city of Venice.

[edit] After Break

After the 4 oclock break we got digging in the world of VoIP with Steve Okay. We learned about how VoIP works : Introduction, Protocols and hardware.

and followed up with labs after dinner.

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