Monday05 Group3

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CHIKOHOMERO Wonder, Mozambique

It was pleasant to be in ICTP, italy. I found it well equipped centre.Day one was started with completing fomalities .We got our travelling reimbersement and food coupens today only,having more euros in our pocket. We got registration and network access in morning only, so could communicate to our beloved as we got time. Gettting passports copied, many queued and took turns to copy passports, luck those with a few pages. As per new regulation the authoriries in Italy require the whole passport copied even the desperate pages according to a statement from the lady from Nigeria??. During the same time in the lab registration had already started with the issuing of name tags, confirmation of personal details and further instructions.

The next step from registration was to get to Fermi Building to get all finances and reimbursements sorted out. We are really touched by the way ICTP and its service personnel work. Some of us its our first time and it is really a great pleasure to give palms to all the people who played a role on the first three ours of the day.


[edit] 11'Oclock

The hour that we were all waiting for, anywhere were ever there is an acitvity the chiefs have to give a word. The CEO gave his opening remarks and introduced us to the ICTP as a whole, the components of making up the ICTP, departments available, bottle neck structure of ICTP among other things.

The next talk was from the co-director for the school who focused his opening discussion on the previous event with pictures showing bits and pieces of the previous events.Session were so interactive and informative.

Were ever you are a visitor in another country thn you have to be legal, it was very important to spare some time for the VISA office to come and explain the new regulation requirements. They indicated that they have no power over the issuance of permits of stay to visitors due to changes in the regulation for the country. As part of there of there acceptance and warm welcome of guests they took time to prepare dummy copies of what would be filled in the original permit of stay form. They did all there best to make sure that we understand and take serious all the requisites of the Italian government concerning visitors to the country.

[edit] 12'Oclock

Looks like some guys are now hungry, the fact that there was no breakfast for people, the stomaches were now very tired and we went for a lunch break.Being vegetarian some were worried but found the good food.

In general the foods was excellent and the service is extremely excellent, delicious though there was a little confusion about half ticket.

[edit] 14'Oclock

We started a session on Wireless business model, the session drew a lot of questions from participant and the presenter was overwhelmed with the questions and interventions. The lecture was an eye opener to many who are along the lines of planning a bandwidth rental payback.

The model even though presented on factual ideas, it was a model derived, drawn but not yet implemented to full capacity. The presenter let the participants to keep watching the journals as they had six months down the line to finish up and get all things in place. The session was looking at participants being able to make a bussiness plan by designing a correct and applicable wireless business plan.

ICTP "scs" might be correct, this is the computer system side of ICTP of which we have "gurus" in charge. The section was meant to reemphasize on the use, regulation of the computer and network syustem of ICTP during the stay at the center.

[edit] 16'Oclock

Yeah i'm back for fresh info!

The great news is that we have learnt this afternoon a bit about wireless business. So guys have stuffs for their next job while they will be leaving university :-) More seriously, this lecture(?) was an opportunity to have a glance at how to successfuly make money with a wireless network business based with a focus on business model developement. Hope guys will not do a copy/paste of the case, coz it is from Poland!

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