Scope of Study Group 7(Science services)
Systems for:
- space operations
- operation of space craft, e.g. tracking, telemetry
- space research
- scientific and technical research purposes
- Earth exploration and meteorology
- active or passive sensing of Earth’s environment
Standard frequency and time signals
SG addresses a collection of services, all having an essentially scientific nature.
- Space Operations refer to the operation of space craft – space tracking, telemetry and telecommand whilst Space Research refers to spacecraft used for scientific or technical research purposes. Earth exploration and related meteorological (satellite) services use active or passive sensors on satellites (or from airborne or Earth-based platforms) to obtain information on the characteristics of the Earth and its natural phenomena (e.g. environment); e.g. forest cover, water cover.
- SG also deals with another very important passive service – that of RA.
- Thirdly, the SG deals with the Standard Frequency and Time signal services.
Note: It may seem at first sight that many of the services and related issues being dealt with by SG 7 are of concern only to developed, industrialised countries, i.e. concerned with space research and RA. But it should be remembered that the issues under study largely concern frequency allocations and sharing criteria with other services and therefore, in turn, impact upon the use of the spectrum by ALL countries, whether developed or developing.