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5. Starting up a Web Site

Now you're ready to start adding pages to your web server. Just move any HTML files, graphics, etc. you want to appear on your server into the /home/httpd/html directory. You can create subdirectories in here as well. Make sure that any files intended for public viewing are set to be world readable:

        chmod a+r (name-of-file)

The file named index.html will be loaded by default if no file name is specified in the URL; that is,

is the same as

So, you should name the main home page of your server as index.html.

You should be all set to go now; to start up the server, just type as root:


(The next time you boot your system, the server will start automatically.)

Try using a web browser to access your server. From X you could use:

        lynx http://localhost/

If you get your home page, you're all set! If not, you may get some errors. These are common:

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