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4. Setting up the Server

During the installtion of the apache RPM, several directories will be created on your system:

         /etc/httpd/conf            - configuration files
         /var/log/httpd             - log files
         /home/httpd/html           - where your HTML files will go
         /home/httpd/cgi-bin        - where CGI programs go
         /home/httpd/icons         - some icons used for directory indexing, etc.

A sample home page will be installed in /home/httpd/html, and several sample CGI programs will be installed in /home/httpd/cgi-bin.

Before starting up the server, you will want to take a look at some of the configuration files in /etc/httpd/conf. These include:

NOTE:Newer versions of Apache use a single configuration file. At the present time (10-18-99) Red Hat has NOT shipped a version in this format but plans to for future releases.

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