During this activity we will help the University of Trieste to setup and make measurements on a wifi link.
For testing purposes, the link will be from the University headquarters to the private house of a University's professor. The terrain height of the University is 94 meters ASL and the elevation of the antenna is 10 meters above ground. The terrain height of the house is 74 meters ASL and the elevation of the antenna is 20 meters above ground. There is line of sight between the two sites.
Using the map (http://wireless.ictp.it/advanced_2005/map.gif), which is in a 1:5000 scale, please answer the following questions:
- How far are the two points?
- Which antennas and access points, of the ones available in the lab, should we use?
- What are the results of the link budget calculation?
- How much margin are we expecting for this link?
We will measure the link margin for the selected equipment during the field experience, using a signal generator and a spectrum analyzer.
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