White Space analyzer

Page of RFTrack downloads.

List of downloadable files

Download File Info
Data analysis video, first version.
Data analysis video, second version.
Analysis Report in Pdf format.
Report images stored in Zip archive.
SQlite database, containing measurement data.

SQlite Tools

Some freeware or open source tools that can be used to manage SQlite databases.
The list is provided only for informational purposes.
In any way, the info provided may be associated with preferences in the use of software.

Tool Info
'Sqlite Manager': Firefox browser extension.
'Sqlite Manager', project page on GitHub.
'SQLite Database Browser': Chrome browser extension.
Sqlite Manager:
Web-based SQLite administration.
Web-based database management tool for SQLite.
DB Browser for SQLite:
Open source tool to create, design, and edit SQLite databases.
For Mac OS X, Windows, Linux
SqliteStudio: SQLite database manager.
For Mac OS X, Windows, Linux, BSD
'SQLite Manager', Android app.
'SQLite Manager', IPhone application.
Android SQLite Viewer.

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The project was supported by the Shuttleworth Foundation