White Space analyzer

Measurements carried out with RFTrack over the specified frequency range and antenna.
The received signal level measured in dBm is dependent on the antenna gain and orientation.

In this report, click on charts to view the high-resolution versions, or other types of data representation.

Campaign measurements info

Info Value
Campaign date: 2016-02-25
Campaign duration: 0:12:18 (hour:min:sec)
Route length: 3.2 Km
N. points: 942
Country: Seychelles
Country Code: SC
Place of measurement: Victoria
Region: English River
Population: 22881

Campaign downloads

Click on image to download other material concerning the measurement campaign.

Spectrum Maps

The first image shows power levels over time (number of measurements), the following images show different thresholds of spectrum occupancy.

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The project was supported by the Shuttleworth Foundation