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TROPospheric Personal Observatory using LoRa signals

With the growth of LoRa deployments there are plenty of anecdotal reports of very long wireless links, well beyond the line of sight. Most reports suggest that these links are related to anomalous tropospheric propagation. TROPPO allow to study tropospheric links based on TheThingsNetwork, a popular LoRaWAN-based infrastructure.

  1. Trieste Probe - placed on the roof of our Institute, at  72 meters ASL and at 12 meters above ground. Visualize results of 1 day, 10 days, 20 days, 30 days, all dates, RSSI vs time, SNR vs time, SF vs time or download the complete archive
  2. Piedmont Probe -a sensor installed by iXem Labs in the framework of a smartagriculture project in Gattinara in the Piedmont region in Italy. T. Visualize results of 1 day, 10 days, 20 days, 30 days, all dates, RSSI vs time, SNR vs time, SF vs time or download the complete archive
  3. Sardinia Probe- placed in the "U Tabarka" vineyards in the island of San Pietro, South Sardinia, by the iXem Labs, at 50 meters ASL and at only 2 meters above ground. Visualize results of 1 day, 10 days, 20 days, 30 days, all dates, RSSI vs time, SNR vs time, SF vs time or download the complete archive




There are now over 11,000 TTN gateways worldwide, in more than 100 cities. 


Longest LoRaWAN link

A gateway in Barcelona has received 104 packets coming from Sardinia, in a month period, spanning 584 km!  



We have only deployed three TropoProbes and have already detected tropospheric propagation. We would like to engage the TTN community to add more devices to the platform. Get in touch!