• Workshop on

    Scientific Applications for the Internet of Things (IoT)


Two weeks of Inspiration!

- March 2015, ICTP-Trieste

The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the networked interconnection of objects in addition to traditional networked devices. This new technology has the potential to change the world, just as the Internet did. This is starting to happen, as the continual decrease in size, cost, and energy consumption of wireless devices is boosting the number of mobile objects dramatically. The number of mobile objects composing the IoT will be huge: in 2020 between 12 and 50 billion devices are expected to be connected with each other, a 12 to 50-fold increase from 2012. This implies that the traffic generated will explode. The huge amount of traffic will require standardized interfaces and IP address utilization, such as IPv6. Furthermore, the availability of this "big data" can be leveraged to make inferences about many phenomena.

The Vision

IoT technology is facilitating a revolution in our understanding of nature by providing observations at a fine spatial-temporal resolution. IoT has the potential to revolutionize science and influence social, environmental and health issues.


30 participants from 25 different countries. Lecturers from Africa, Europe, North and South America, Oceania. Speakers from Academia, International Organizations, Corporations, NGOs.


To prepare for the IoT paradigm shift, scientists need to begin to evaluate new and developing technologies, establish collaborations and participate in joint efforts with experts in sensor technology, communications, information management, and networking to design and implement prototypes of IoT.


Learn From These Great Folks

18 lecturers and 8 speakers from Europe, Africa, Asia, Oceania and America.

30 participants from 20 different countries!

  • Mirko Franceschinis

    Mirko Franceschinis

    Istituto Superiore Mario Boella, Italy
  • Alvaro Vives

    Alvaro Vives

  • Antonio Liñán Colina

    Antonio Liñán Colina

    Zolertia, Spain
  • Jonathan Brewer

    Jonathan Brewer

  • Sebastian Buettrich

    Sebastian Buettrich

  • Antoine Bagula

    Antoine Bagula

    University of West Cape, South Africa
  • Marco Zennaro

    Marco Zennaro

    ICTP, Italy
  • Felix Cuadrado

    Felix Cuadrado

    Queen Mary University of London, UK
  • Steve Okay

    Steve Okay

    Inveneo, USA
  • Steve Song

    Steve Song

  • Stephen Hailes

    Stephen Hailes

    UCL, UK
  • Steve Chan

    Steve Chan

    Swansea University, UK
  • Simone Sala<

    Simone Sala

    Swansea University, UK
  • Cosmas Zavazava

    Cosmas Zavazava

    ITU, Switzerland
  • Raffaele Giaffreda

    Raffaele Giaffreda

    Create-Net, Italy
  • Robert Pepper

    Robert Pepper

    Cisco, USA
  • Daniele Trinchero

    Daniele Trinchero

    iXem Labs, Italy
  • Bob Marsh

    Bob Marsh

    Inveneo, USA


First Day

Welcome to the workshop! Today we will start by introducing some Internet of Things concepts, followed by a short introduction to IPv6. In the afternoon we will start working with the nodes by installing Contiki and running the first examples.


Coffee Break


Coffee Break

LAB: Adding sensors, analogue and digital

Jonathan Brewer NSRC (USA)

Second Day

Welcome to the second day! Today we will go wireless. We will learn how IPv6 works on IoT nodes and what are the wireless technologies used in IoT. In the afternoon we will send data wirelessly from one node to the other.

Coffee Break


LAB: Wireless with Contiki

Antonio Linan Zolertia (Spain)

Coffee Break

LAB: Using Packet Sniffer / Wireshark

Sebastian Buettrich NSRC (USA)

Third Day

Today we will learn how to setup a Contiki simulation using Cooja and what are the typical IoT architectures. In the afternoon we will connect our IoT network to the external world.

Coffee Break


LAB: Connecting to the external world

Antonio Linan Zolertia (Spain)

Coffee Break

LAB: IPv6 in practice with Raspberry Pi

Alvaro Vives NSRC (USA)

Fourth Day

Welcome to the fourth day! Today we will look at IoT protocols and analyze some of the IoT applications. In the afternoon we will send the data captured by the nodes to an online service that will visualize it.

Coffee Break


LAB: Sending data to a cloud platform

Antonio Linan Zolertia (Spain)

Coffee Break

LAB: Sending data to a cloud platform

Antonio Linan Zolertia (Spain)

Fifth Day

Welcome to the fifth day! Today we will go from the lab to the field, by installing sensors in the Miramare Park. We will have fun!

Coffee Break


LAB: IoT Deployment in the Miramare Park

Antonio Linan Zolertia (Spain)

Coffee Break

LAB: IoT Deployment in the Miramare Park

Antonio Linan Zolertia (Spain)

Sixth Day

Welcome to the second week of the activity! Today we will learn about Big Data, both from the theoretical and practical point of view.

Big Data processing with MapReduce and Hadoop

Felix Cuadrado QMUL

Coffee Break

Big Data processing with MapReduce and Hadoop

Felix Cuadrado QMUL


Coffee Break

Seventh Day

Welcome to the second day of the second week! Today we will dive into more Big Data topics.

Beyond MapReduce: Stream processing and in-Memory Processing

Felix Cuadrado QMUL

Coffee Break

Beyond MapReduce: Stream processing and in-Memory Processing

Felix Cuadrado QMUL


Coffee Break

Eighth Day

Welcome to day three of the second week! Today we will look at three important topics in IoT: privacy and security. We will learn about BLE and its huge potential. In the afternoon we will listen to some interesting case studies about IoT.

Coffee Break


Coffee Break

Case Studies

Low power IoT, Bjorn Pehrson KTH

Download presentation

ekoNet for Air Quality Measurements, Boris Pokric ekoNet

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Public Talk

How Climate Change Resilience Studies enhanced Hawaii’s Critical Infrastructure Protection, HPC-Assisted Dynamic Fine-Tuning For Analytics on Analytics (A2O)

Steve Chan, Chair, Swansea University’s Cyber Analytics and Network/Relationship Science and Director, Asia-Pacific Institute for Resiliency and Sustainability

Download presentation

Ninth Day

Welcome to fourth day of the second week! Today we will look at how Big Data can be used for Development. In the afternoon we will learn about IoT standards from ITU, IEEE and Cisco point of view.

Big Data and IoT Data

Steve Chan MIT

Big Data and Development

Simone Sala MIT

Coffee Break


Coffee Break

Tenth Day

Welcome to last day of the activity! Today we will look at IoT applications for Development. In the afternoon we will close the activity with the distribution of certificates.

IoT Applications for Development

IoT and agriculture, Daniele Trinchero Politecnico di Torino

Case Studies by Participants

Air Pollution Monitoring based on Participatory Sensing, Diego Méndez Chaves, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana - Bogotá, Colombia

Download presentation

On sensing and communicating using off the shelf devices, Adnan Noor Mian, Information Technology University, Lahore, Pakistan

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Kibera mesh network, Cecilia Wangui, Tunapanda Institute based in Kibera, Kenya

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IoT for Productive Tea Plantation, Minuri Rajapaksha - Sri Lanka

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Development a low cost and fast deployment solution for air quality and weather monitoring system based on Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), Andres Jacoby, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (GTR-PUCP), Peru

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Coffee Break

Case Studies by Participants

Developing a low-cost WSN for environmental monitoring, Iván René Morales Argueta, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala, Guatemala

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Exploring IoT opportunities in developing countries, Pardeep Kumar, QUEST Nawabshah, Pakistan

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IoT for water management in paddy fields, Dayarathna Don Rasika Niroshan, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka

Download presentation

Survey of Existing Weather Observation Station Network in Tanzania and the Possibility to Automate and Densify it, Emmanuel Kondela, Dar es Salaam Institute of Technology and Univerisity of Bergen / Makerere University

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Smart Energy Monitoring, Zenville Erasmus, The University of The Western Cape (UWC), South Africa

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Case Studies by Participants

Wireless Sensor Network for Radiation Monitoring at Argentinean Nuclear Research Reactor RA-6, Rodrigo José Carbajales, Martín René Vilugrón, Argentine Atomic Energy Commission, Bariloche Atomic Center, Balseiro Institute, Argentina

Download presentation

Wireless Sensor Networks at IGCAR, D.Baghyalakshmi, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR), India

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UAVs and Agricultural Remote Sensing, Arnold Bett, University of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya

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Using Wireless Sensor Networks to be more protected inside the caves, Hafssa Benaboud, Science Faculty of Rabat, Mohammed V University, Morocco

Closing Ceremony

Coffee Break


  • ITU

    International Telecommunications Union

    The International Telecommunication Union (ITU), originally founded as the International Telegraph Union, is a specialized agency of the United Nations that is responsible for issues that concern information and communication technologies. ITU, based in Geneva, Switzerland, is a member of the United Nations Development Group. Its membership includes 193 Member States and around 700 Sector Members and Associates.



  • NSRC

    Network Startup Resource Center

    The Network Startup Resource Center (NSRC), based at the University of Oregon, was established in 1992 to provide technical assistance to organizations setting up computer networks in developing areas for collaborative research, education and international partnerships. Over the past twenty years, the NSRC has helped develop networks and cyberinfrastructure resources in Africa, Asia/Pacific, Latin America/Caribbean, and the Middle East.



  • NTW


    NetworkTheWorld.Org is a nonprofit public benefit corporation. Its mission is to help improve quality of life and help reduce poverty in the developing world by improving Internet access and communications infrastructure.



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