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Diary of Monday, 7th February 2005

Prepared by: Michael K. Vowotor (

FIRST DAY DIARY Of The School on Radio Based Computer Networking for Research and Training in Developing Countries which begins today 7 February and continues to 4 March 2005, at the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy .

Between 09:00 to 12:00 participants went through registration and administrative matters.

By 14:30pm most of the participants were seated at the Kastler Lecture Hall, Adriatico Guest House for the formal opening ceremony of the school. The faces of the participants were all full of gratitude for this great opportunity to attend this school.

Prof. S. M. Radicella did the introduction of all the dignitaries who graced the occasion especially the chairman, Prof. K.R. Sreenivasan the director of ICTP.

The chairman gave a beautiful opening speech: "The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics and ICT for Development"

Prof. S. M. Radicella followed immediately with another nice presentation: "Eight years of Schools in Radiocommunications and Networking at ICTP". He traced the history goals of the workshops. During his speech he asked all participants to stand and give one minute silence in memory of the late Prof. G. O. Ajayi (1941-2004), ICTP Associate 1992-2004, who was a regular contributor to this workshops.

15:30 was coffee break.

At around 16:00 we had various speakers like: Prof. R.Struzak (ITU, Switzerland, ret.) speaking on "The role of radiocommunications for development", Dr. R. Passerini (ITU-BDT, Geneva, Switzerland giving us an overview of the "The activities of ITU-BDT for wireless communications in Developing Countries" and Prof. E.Pietrosemoli (ULA-EsLaRed, Venezuela) speaking on "Wireless Networking in Latin America: 15 years of experience".

At around 18:30, introduction to the ICTP computer system was delivered by J. Grassberger (ICTP-SCS, Italy)

Oh, yes it was a fruitful day!!!


Michael Kwame Vowotor
Department of Physics
University of Cape Coast
Cape Coast - C/R