Trieste, Wednesday 19th Feb 2003
Final Review of the School on Radio Use for ICT
by R. Struzak, Director
Personal Thoughts About the ICTP School on Radio
Today, Carlo Fonda asked me to write a few lines of my personal feelings about the school. I do not know exactly why; I guess because I am the oldest participant.
My first contacts with the ICTP School on radio, or more correctly with Prof. Radicella, go back many years ago, when I was still heading a technical department at International Telecommunication Union International Radio Consultative Committee, the famous CCIR in Geneva. I mentioned here Prof. Radicella because his personality has influenced strongly the character of the school making it incomparable with any other school I know. I have enjoyed my participation in the event, and have found personal contacts and discussions with the participants and lecturers of great value.
As at all previous occasions, I was impressed by the passion, enthusiasm, and tirelessness with which Carlo shared his knowledge with colleagues coming from developing countries. I hope that they will take back home his attitude and will follow his example in their relations with students.
Another personality that impressed me was Professor Ajayi. The history of his professional development and personal success is worth a wider dissemination. I was delighted to learn from his lecture that he believes the ICTP and the school contributed to these achievements.
The unquestionable hero of the school 2003 was Dr. Ekuwem. It was a real pleasure for me to listen to his passionate story of bridging in practice the digital gap in his country and creating successful business at the same time. For years, I was listening to a number of speeches, resolutions, and declarations at various levels, all aiming at bridging the digital gap, but nothing tangible was ever shown to me, like in an Italian song: "Parole, Parole, Parole..." For the first time I saw here somebody from Africa who just started to do that job in practice and continues with success. He also created precedence in financially supporting the participation of young scientists from his country. I hope the participants will keep his story and his example in mind. I was delighted to learn from him that he believes it was possible to some degree thanks the ICTP school on radio.
The school culminated in practical sessions & demonstrations of operational inexpensive digital radio links built from standard elements and interconnecting computers at distances of ~7 km and ~25 km. Seeing how deeply engaged were the participants in the planning, implementation, and measuring the links, I have no doubts that they used the time of the school efficiently.
Finally, I was surprised to see among the participants persons that come here for the second or third time, and also those who paid fully their staying here from their pockets. This indicates to me that the ICTP school on radio has been valued highly, at least by these persons. It is an optimistic conclusion for me. I believe Professor Radicella join me in these personal feelings.