Trieste, Thursday 20th Feb 2003
Daily Review of the School on Radio Use for ICT
by Popova Trifinka (Toni ;-)
Prepared by: Popova Trifinka (Toni) :;
The lectures started by 2 p.m. mainly because many participants went to the Trieste police office for administrative purposes.
Some participants however remained in the laboratory.
The session started by prof. E. Pietrosemoli, who discussed the topic of « WLAN Security and other 802 protocols ». The following issues were explained :
- Addend a to the basic 802,11 protocol ;
- Task Group H ;
- Spectrum Managed 802.11 a ;
- Task Group I : Enhanced Security ;
- Task Group 802.1X ;
- Wireless LAN security Issues ;
- Limitation of 802.11 Security ;
- 802,11 Authentication ;
- Require VPN for WLAN Access ;
- 802.1X ;
- Wireless LAN Analysis-tools ;
- EAP ;
- IP Security
- EAP/802.1X
- Wireless Encryption Technology Comparison ;
- Key Leap devices.
At 3 p.m. Dr. C. Fonda pointed out the security issues related to wireless Network.
He also explained some tools use by hackers to gain access in such Network.
A 15 minute break was given at 3.30 p.m.
At 4 p.m. Dr. Onime from ICTP Scientific Computer section talked about the BLUE TOOTH Technology. He pointed out various advantages of this recent development in Wireless Communication.
At 4.30 p.m. Prof. E. Pietrosemoli discussed on « 802.16 Standard Air Interface for fixed Broadband Wireless Access Systems ».
He explained the following:
- P802.16 Scope ;
- Point to Multipoint Wireless MAN : not a LAN
- Brust Adaptive Profile ;
- Physical Layer Adaptivity;
- Transmission rates
- MAC Requirements ;
- IP connectivity and configuration file download ;
- Privacy and Encryption
- Security Associations
- Amendment Project IEEE P802.16S ;
The session ended at 6.30 p.m.