Taken from: www.sanremonet.com/cgi-bin/meteo1

A Sanremo è
Venerdì, 3 Novembre del 2000
e sono le ore 15:52:05
[ora italiana - GMT+1]

Local Time in Sanremo
November 3 (Friday), 2000
Actual Time is 15:52:05
[Italian Hour - GMT+1]


PREVISIONI METEO (italian only)

Vista Panoramica (Panoramic View)

domenica   8:00 11:00  14:00 17:00
lunedí   8:00 11:00  14:00 17:00
martedí   8:00 11:00  14:00 17:00
mercoledí   8:00 11:00  14:00 17:00
giovedí   8:00 11:00  14:00 17:00
venerdí   8:00 11:00  14:00 17:00
sabato   8:00 11:00  14:00 17:00
Immagine Ravvicinate

(zoomed in views)
  9:00 12:00  15:00
  9:00 12:00  15:00
  9:00 12:00  15:00
  9:00 12:00  15:00
  9:00 12:00  15:00
  9:00 12:00  15:00
  9:00 12:00  15:00
Zoom sui Porti

(Port zooms)
  11:00 14:00
  11:00 14:00
  11:00 14:00
  11:00 14:00
  11:00 14:00
  11:00 14:00
  11:00 14:00

(at night)

Filmati MPEG*

MPEG Movies*

Alba (sunrise) .............. domenica  lunedí  martidí  mercoledí  giovedí  venerdí  sabato
Tramonto (sunset) ....... domenica  lunedí  martedí  mercoledí  giovedí  venerdí  sabato
  * per vedere i filmati, anche durante il download, installa questo plug-in: www.intervu.net/installer/eyeq.html

* a nice plugin to view the mpeg movies, even during the download, can be found at www.intervu.net/installer/eyeq.html

I dati Meteo sono misurati sul tetto del Comune di Sanremo. I parametri campionati ogni 5 minuti 24ore su 24, sono la temperatura, la pressione atmosferica, l'umiditá, la velocitá del vento, la direzione del vento e i mm di piogga. I dati sono visualizzati in diversi formati, mostrando sia le condizioni correnti, che quelle riguardanti gli ultimi 7 giorni. I dati sono anche disponibili in formato testo tramite un file sanremometeo.txt.

Meteorological data are measured on the rooftop of the town hall (comune) of Sanremo. The various parameters that are sampled every 5 minutes 24 hours a day include temperature, barometric pressure, humidity, speed and direction of the wind, and rainfall. These data are plotted below showing both the current conditions and the conditions during the past week. The most current data will soon be available in text form in a file named sanremometeo.txt.

  L'Ultima Immagine con i dati Meteorologici
(A recent image with superimposed weather data)

click sull'immagine per ingrandirla (click on the image for a hi-res view)

Dati Meteo per l'Ultimo Anno (!)

(Average and Gust Winds)

(Rainfall and Humidity)

(Temperature and Atmospheric Pressure)


Dati Meteo per l'Ultimo Anno (!)

Temperatura dell'acqua e Intensita' Solare
Servizio realizzato e curato dall'Istituto Professionale di Stato
"Guglielmo Marconi" sede di Sanremo

Dati Meteo Relativi agli Ultimi 3 Mesi

Dati Meteo per l'Ultimo Anno (!)

Meteorological Data are available in the form of ascii files.  All parameters are sampled every 5 minutes.  This data is the raw data from the station. It has not be deglitched or checked for accuracy.  The data files have been zipped and are available below.  The data files are organized by week.  Each file has 1 week of data (usually). The start date of the data file is embedded in the file name itself.  Data from Lerici is also available below:
Sanremo data from Jan 99 - Oct 99
Lerici data from Dec 97 - Ott 98
Lerici data from Nov 98 to Mar 99
This station consists of a Canon Hi-8 camcorder with 20x zoom placed inside an environmentally protected housing on top of a precision pan/tilt unit all attached to a pole setup expressly for the camera.  On top of the video camera is mounted a high resolution digital camera, the Kodak DC120. A pentium computer running our software under Win98 controls the video camera zoom and positioning through our controller.  A 110 meter cable from the computer/controller connects to the camera pan/tilt unit providing power, control signals and return video.   A Davis Weather Station is used to measure meteorological conditions.


Per richieste informazioni email a svm@svm.ito telefona al 0187 917900
For European inquiries email us at svm@svm.itor phone us at +39 187 917900
For U.S. or other countries email us at evs@elink.netor call us at (305) 252-9560