Software tools for GroupWare

GroupWare Applications
  • (e.g., VNC) - Virtual Network Computing (At a Glance)
    Remote display system to view a computing 'desktop' environment not only on the machine where it is running, but from anywhere on the Internet.
  • (e.g., VMWare) - Runs MS Windows under Linux O.S.

  • Web-based Groupware (Distributed Web Portals):

    BSCW - Basic System for Collaborative Work (At a Glance)
    use of small images (in cache), offers shared workspaces to document upload, joint editing and share. (e.g., CMS -Content Management System) Roxen web server designed with scripting and database connectivity in mind. Run scripts in Roxen using standards CGI, FastCGI and Java Servlets
    Note: Java applets usually small programs intended for running on a client whereas Java Servlets runs on a server. Enterprise Information Portal to consume information from multiple resources (large amounts of data) on the net.
    (S&T Collaborium Portal At a Glance)

© 2002 E. Canessa