Atmospheric Gaseous Attenuation
Investigating whether a space station (satellite) can share the same frequency as a terrestrial (microwave) station; (allocations from 10 to 48 GHz).
By how much will the attenuation on the slant path due to gaseous absorption protect the terrestrial station?
- Several bands between about 10 and 48 GHz shared by FS (e.g. microwave links) and FSS (using satellites in GSO or LEO).
- In establishing sharing criteria, e.g. max powers radiated, one needs to know how much attenuation is occurring on the interference slant path between satellite and terrestrial station due to gaseous absorption.
- In other words, how much protection is the atmosphere providing the terrestrial station?
- This is example of how model in Rec. P.676 can be used in a sharing situation in providing an estimate of the gaseous attenuation on the interfering path.