Latin American Net Users -Contd

According to some surveys, the mean age for
- the region's total population is 24 years old
- internet users is 27 years.
(NB: a 1997 survey found that 76% of such users were male, a study conducted in 2000 determined that the proportion had fallen to 60% ).
69% of Brazil's internet users are age 34 and under, with the majority (33%) concentrated in the 18 to 24 age group.

In Mexico, 67% of users are age 34 and under. 37% of Mexican users fall in the 15 to 24 age category, (analogous to the portion of Brazilian users).

By contrast, 47% of users in the United States are age 34 or younger.

The youth of Latin America constitute a significant group of internet users. Youngs have a special flair for technology, and a seemingly endless capacity to adopt new electronic devices.

As early adopters of technology in general and information technology in particular, the youth of today will emerge as a powerful force in the internet market as they mature.

© 2001 E. Canessa