www4mail - It is easy to use!

In the body of an e-mail message, type the URL address of the Web page you wish to retrieve. You can enter several requests at a time. The server will fetch the page(s) in question and deliver them to you as e-mail attachments or in the body of a reply message.

To: www4mail@collaborium.org

http://www.ictp.trieste.it       ----> www4mail reply an attachment
get http://www.ictp.trieste.it   ----> www4mail in body of message

  Some Options:

source    ----> retrieve unmodified HTML sources in the body of message
tsource   ----> retrieve unmodified HTML sources as attachment
help        ----> www4mail sends help file 
                                                                  ... many other options also available!

  URLs can be of the form: http://, ftp://, news://

© 2000 E. Canessa