Report from Final Project Presentations
Wednesday, June 29
Alberic Chimon - AVU
Projects of extending the network connectivity with wireless technology in few different AVU country centres
- Burundi
- Mali (and extension to faculty of medicine)
- Senegal (2 sites, one of them has a student villages to connect)
- Linking teachers, students and staff
Financial aspects:
- Total cost 600.000 euro (97% already financed)
- Each project cost average 2500 euro/country
- July 2005 in Bamako (Mali), participants from the region (using also a WiKi)
- Advanced training in mid-January 2006 in Dakar (Senegal)
- Project implementation in August 2006
- Create ICTP-Clubs within the AVU network
For the Bamako Training:
- translation of material
- need more items (pigtails, etc.)
Questions and answers:
- radicella: project is 600.000, but then you said 2500 for country...
answer: that 2500 euro part is the one still to be financed, just for equipment for the wireless links
- radicella: you indicated 3 sub-projects, is the need of 2500 for each of them?
answer: yes
- chaudhari: how much bandwidth ?
answer: before it was 128/256, now I changed to 256/256
- sebastian: how much do you know about remote teching and distance interaction via Internet?
answer: we have a long experience on distance education at AVU, we deliver courses via satellites, with live servers and mirror sites. Students at beginning weren't able to study in this way, we made some studies, last year we discovered that the best students in some african sites were students following the courses virtually via the satellite system, and they were leading on students from MIT, which were attending courses in the class directly.
- marco: you said that in Senegal you want to connect the student villages at 200-300 meters with wireless, why not with cables?
answer: we made a small analisys there, after they installed fiber optic in the university because they had problems with UTP cables. And wireless is cheaper than fiber optics
summary (by struzak): presentation that fit time limites and topic, there were questions and satisfactory answers.
Chomora Mikeka - University of Malawi
Support rural community development in Malawi using wireless
Country profile:
- agricultural production
- role of university in R&D
- we pay 1.600 USD/month for the VSAT link (256/128k) at chancellor college
- high cost of VSAT
- limited access (42%)
- lack of extensions support
- inadeguate tech information
- poor market info
Proposal and design solution
- Smartbridges and cantennas
Cost of investment
- 6750 USD for 60 PCs (3 institutions)
Financial aspects: formulae
for initial investment and project expansion
benefits and project justification
- vertical market segment
- WiFi is cheap and fast (ref.: Wi-Fi 101)
Revenue model
- monthly subscritpion service
- pay per use
- premium surcharge
- free to users
results/impact of pilot phase
- how is life different for staff and students now?
- expected output among academia:
next phase
- real-time IT support on agribusiness
- agro-extensions services
project initiated by the training at ICTP ARPL, motivated by the demand for access on chancellor college campus and triggered by compassion to steer a way to save or at least support 12 million people living on agriculture in malawi.
references and bibliography
Questions and answers:
- radicella: is the extimated cost only for the campus or also for rural connectivity?
answer: is for everything
- is the VSAT already financed?
answer: it's already there, but we pay the montly fee
- is the cost including only the hardware?
answer: it is reported in the detailed budget (page number 2)
- radicella: we are going to talk tomorrow with the people of Regione FVG, let see if they can support such amount of money
- radicella: regardless of cost implied here (material cost), do you expect some type of support for installation, monitoring, etc. ? Or can you deal with it?
answer: students can handle this, without being paid
- struzak: what do you mean by "supervision" ?
answer: I meant that it would be easy for me to monitor and supervise the project, being my region and where I lecture
- struzak: could be possibile to buy equipment trought ICTP, obteining lower prizes?
- radicella: you are talking about investement budget requirments for 60 client machines...
answer: we considered that the served institution have this max number of client machines for each point-of-presence to be served by the wireless link
- sebastian: I liked very much that you started with a small feasibility study as pilot, with realistic marked prices, I think this should be supported. You may probably need more client infrastructure. I would also tipically extimated that environmental situation will make equipment to fail after a while, so you better consider some more items in the list (spare parts, more laptop machines as clients). Small is ok, but this may be a little too small.
- radicella: you better add more (maybe 3?) client computers and spare parts (10% of costs for maintenance, over 1 year), before tomorrow, for presenting this project to the region authorities.
- precious: you mentioned to use students for the projects, what if they leave after the graduation, what if you go away?
- radicella: you are right, but this is clearly a demo projects, only after the demonstration that it works, you can build a more stable project
- sebastian: you should state (the fact that is a feasibility project, a demo pilot project) this clearly in your presentation, it's a strong point for this project
- arikpo: you should maybe add some more detail about: where are the impacts on conservation of culture, on the economy? will the people be able to use it well?
comments by struzak: I'm delighted to see that the projects have been improved a lot during this few weeks.
Precious Muyideen and Bassey Ekpangedoho - Teledom
Implementation of broadband wireless in frastructure for the public service network in 36 states of Nigeria
- Public service network is an initiative of NITDA (agency of the nigerian government for nation development of ICT)
- many criteria have been considered for connection of governmental offices all around the country
general description
- wireless was considered appropriate
aims and objectives
- e-government
- support to SME
- etc.
technical description
- core component is BreezeAccess 11 by Alvarion
- VSAT in the state capitals
- VPN over a wireless broadband network
- link budget calculation
- procedure for planning, installation, activation
- (IP subnetting has been improved)
- (BW maximization by monitoring of the network)
schematic diagram
experience gained during the ictp activities
further expectations
- to start a new project: e-Students
budget extimation for the project
- more than USD 1.277.600
- funding already provided by the federal government
Questions and answers:
- carlo: what about the costs? it's almost 12.000 USD per link, did you considered other cheaper althernatives?
answer: this project is already in implementation phase, and the costs are reasonable for a governmental project
- sebastian: in certain cases this "pro" technology is appropriate, but you should be ready to defend the choices you made. The cost of a base station can be 18.000 instead than 100 USD, but you should give a strong motivation. the presentation in some point looks like a vendor advertisement, this may have a negative impact on people that is in charge of judging the project.
Iwara Arikpo - Univ. of Calabar
Univ of Calabar Wireless Project
- network in UniCAL started in 1999 (when there was only dialup access)
- 50.000 students, 4 Km of campus, so the most appropriate technology was wireless ('99)
- bring the net to all segment of university
- online registration and administrative procedure for students, library info system
current state of project
- completed at 70%
- 11 faculties already connected, 8 still to be connected
RE-design of the project
major question posed during the training
- network security
- monitoring network access and content filtering
- bandwidth management
achievements of the training
- network security has been tought deeply
- content filtering has been demonstrated and tought
- BW management has been considered
- linux
- I need a radio (apart from Alvarion, that we have already) for teaching and demonstration
- very successful training, I will send feedback
Questions and answers:
- struzak: this presentation was slightly different from the previous ones, presenting not only the project but also the added value of this training
- sebastian: I wasn't presented in the first 2 weeks, was BW management and content filtering really extensively covered?
answer: the general discussion we had was very fruitful, and we also had demo of some applications (content filtering at the proxy, etc.). We touched also the problem of password protection and network protection. MRTG, Squidgard, chillispot were demonstrated
Thomas Ongeri Ombasa - Alldean Satellite Networks (Kenya)
Wireless as last mile connection for rural Kenya - extending ICT to rural schools
- postal corporation and ministry of ICT of Kenya have developed already a VSAT communication network providing services to rural areas
- all post office are networked by VSAT now
- 600 outlet already connected, 400 more to be connected soon
achievements/challenges so far
- 600 outlet connected: very good!
- major challenges:
- economics, ROI in rural area is low, do not justify investments
- infrastructure (low PC density, electricity, etc...)
- security
- human resources and human skill development structures <<< THIS IS THE MAIN PROBLEM for extend ICT to rural farmers
proposed project
- to extend the existent network to the rural schools
- last mile link from the concentration point (post office) to the rural schools
- institution interconnection for e-learning and local interactions
scheme of the network
immediate beneficiaries
- middle level colleges, polytechnics and institutes of technology
- post secondary management and business training institutions
- primary and secondary schools <<< Access to ICT here is VITAL
formulation and funding
- institutions that may be the possible main stakeholders are:
- ministry of education
- Kenya institute of education
- teachers service commission
- ministry of ICT
- postal corporation of kenya
- jambonet kenya Ltd
- local authorities - LATF, CDF
- communications commission of kenya
schematic diagram
budgetary estimates
- pilot project for 2 sites (demonstration of feasibility)
- 120 deg sector antenna on main site, directive antennas on both remote sites
- estimated total: 7000 euro
Questions and answers:
- struzak: you did not take in estimation the cost of computers:
answer: I considered 8 client PC, with a cost of 250 euro each
- struzak: what about the training for the teachers?
answer: 2 teachers will help me during the initial installation and they will be taught to teach other teachers after this
- struzak: may be useful to add a short line in the budget about preliminary training for teachers, even at zero cost
- struzak: these 600 VSAT are delivered by one or more company?
answer: just one eqpt manufacturer - GILAT, project implentation - ASNK
- question: what about power and power problems in schools?
answer: for the pilot project we will choose commercial available power places, however for the VSAT we don't have grid power at every site, so we use solar power.
sebastian: it would be useful to do an estimation of the running costs: power consumption, network traffic costs, replacing equipment/spare parts.
marco: a question about computer literacy: do you have some figures on the usage of computers and internet on the post offices?
answer: I don't have precise numbers, may be on the order of 10% or less, but the average level of computer literacy on rural areas is surely very low (even in urban environment admittedly the computer literacy can be rather low)
marco: it would be very interesting to see how things change after introduction of this connection into the schools
arikpo: kenya is quite mountainous, it may be useful to design the pilot project considering this fact. Another comment is about e-learning and training of people, that may require more focus than the technological part.
carlo: may be useful to do a survey on computer literacy before and after the project. Also it is useful to have some entries in the budget for providing books and didactical material to schools.
sebastian: use of kiswahili and local language issues can be considered into the project
sebastian: sometimes mountain areas are easier than flat ones, for wireless communications, because you can use high altitude sites for repeaters (like nepal, venezuela, etc...)
comments by struzak: thanks very much to everybody!
Thursday, June 30
Elie Martial Mabo - University of Douala, Cameroon
Wireless Networking Project
Douala Univ in brief
- created in 1993
- 7 main directions, 4 faculties, 3 higher schools, 16000 students, 425 teachers and researchers
actual situation
- 3 campuses connected by wireless, 1.3Km for Ndogbong, 4.6Km for Akwa, and <1 Km for directions into the main site
main objectives
- this project aims to connect all admin offices (directions) located at the main site
- reinforcement and improvement of existing wireless equipment
- allow data, video and files sharing among students, teachers and staff
- allow authorized users to get access to the academic and financial applications
- allow teachers with laptop to get access to the network
who is in charge
- IT tech committee: E. MABo and Armand YOMBI and other 5 members
- phase: acquisition of equipment (1 month)
- phase: installation (2 weeks)
- phase: training of 2 net managers (5 days)
net topology
- P-t-P between main campus and Akwa campus
- P-t-MP between main campus and Ndogbong campus
- P-t-MP to directions at the main campus
selected equipment list and costs
- previously I thought to use Alvarion equipment, now the choice is different
- 1 Metrix Mark 2
- 2 sectorial antennas
- 11 flat panel antennas
- cables
- 11 WLAN pc-card + PCMCIA-PCI adapter card for remote client stations
- 1 orinoco PC card
- total cost: 4.965 USD
discussed issues and satisfaction percentage
- quality of equipment: are the chosen equipment appropriate? 95%
- security: 90%
- confidentiality: 90%
- interference problems: 95%
- QoS management: 70%
- how to optimize the project budget? 90%
- how to deny access to some users? 100%
budget of project
- equipment: 4.965 USD
- acquisition: 1.800 USD
- installation: 2.500 USD
- configuration: 0 USD
- training 700 USD
- total cost: 9.965 USD
source of financing
- training: ARPl school 2005
- advices: Clement, Enrique
- books: Building wireless community networks, 802.11 security
- web links: metrix,, Power Budget calculators
Questions and answers:
- struzak: a question on the 3 phases of the project... the first is acquisition, but it should be a preliminar phase 0, before acquisition, that is choice of the equipment
- marco: going back to the map of the campus, how far are the buildings to be connected in the main campus?
answer: it's written in the map
- sebastian: what kind of equipment for the remote stations?
answer: still to be decided
Rita MBAYIHA - Kigali Institute of Education, Rwanda
Wireless Networking of Hospitals in Rwanda
- Central Hospital of Kigali
- Rwanda's general plan of the national information communication infrastructure (NICI)
- national telemedicine project for rwanda. the curren ttarget is to have 5 telemedicine centers by the end of 2005
- reducing costs and improve productivity
- modernizing operations
- taking telemedicine system in urban and rural hospitals
- support medical research
pilot project
- pilot hospital is the central hospital of kigali (CHK)
- 22 blocks spread over and area of about 3 sqKm
- only admin block has internet via ISDN
- pilot project is to extend the net to 3 more blocks
estimated budget
- for 3 links
- sect antennas and metrix boxes
- total for equipment: 10.135 USD
- to be able to advice the tech team on how to implement the wlan successfully
Questions and answers:
- she has to run to visit the university of trieste
Dorothy Odhiambo and Albert Adams Yugi - KCCT, Nairobi, Kenya
demo project in wireless networking
existing network
- 3 campuses: HQ, city centre and Loresho
- HQ has 300PCs with leased line of 128Kbps
- city center has 200PCs, leased line of 128kbps
- Loresho
building not yet networked
- 6 buildings at the HQ still need to be connected
project objectives
- to reach 40% of the staff community
- serve the student community to a cybercafe
- offer internet facilities to conferencing participants
- become a regional training centre for wireless networking in east african region
technical summary
- wireless LAN at main campus
- interconnection of the 3 campuses
current physical layout at HQ
Ip addressing scheme
- 16 subnets: 6 for HQ, 4 subnets for Loresho and 4 for city center
WLAN requirements and costs
- Netgear Wireless Access Point, 54 Mbps: 9 items
- directional antennas: 7
- netgear USB wireless adapters: 20 items
- etc.
2 phase: interconnecting campuses
- via a tower in a repeater site (Ngong Hills)
- 3 links: 20, 25 and 16 Km
requirements for the campus interconnection
- total cost around 30.000 euro
discussion issues
- how to deal with obstacles and L-o-S
- security
- optimization of bandwidth, how many PCs can be supported at a certain BW ? how to do BW management
- impact of new load (wireless traffic) over the existent one (constrained net infrastructure)
training expectations
- design WLAN and WWAN
- configure and install AP
- specify and identify network equipment
- model and simulate proposed networks
- analyze the designed network
way forward
we want to do immediately the following things:
- regulatory issues on use of ISM band
- complete cell planning for HQ and WWAN
- survey on available equipment in kenya
- evaluate cost effectiveness of project
- explore use of powerline technologies
- purchase 2 APs, antennas and wireless cards for test runs
project timeline
- installation of HQ WLAN by: dec 2005
- training announcement to the region: jan 2006
- launch of training at KCCT: aug 2006
- advanced training: jun 2007 and continuos
Questions and answers:
- chaudhari: what about the cabling inside the building you are going to interconnect at HQ?
answer: the wiring inside the building is very difficult because of how they are constructed, we should probably use wireless even inside, or ethernet over powerlines
- struzak: you should maybe consider the use of different technologies for different places
- ombasa: in relation to the cost-effectiveness of the project, I'm looking at it in 2 prespectives: first the project in itself to provide internal facilities, but a SECOND perspective is to look at it as a functional for training, where you don't expect an immediate return. I think that from this perspective this project is a MUST in a training institution like KCCT.
- radicella: in this case it should be build having in mind the purpose of being used as support for training.
- struzak: maybe isn't so good to mix the two things, it may be useful to have a separate project for teaching purposes on wireless technologies, the issues can be different
- arikpo: equipment used by students should be very robust and protected, and also NOT too expensive. Sate-of-the-art equipment is not suitable for training purposes
- sebastian: general comment: it's unclear to me what is the current network between all the client machines
answer: it's wired in the building, and optical fibers between buildings
- sebastian: considering the prices of the leased lines and so, may be useful to investigate more on the bandwidth management. Also i have some doubts about the choice of technologies (netgear, 802.11g ...). may be useful to implement many different technologies, do some test and use them for training, and after these try-outs you can decide about the technologies to implement for the real network. And more comments (in general, related to the other presentation as well).
El Hag Huda Mohamed Ahmed - Khartoum University, Sudan
Phase one of the proposed university of khartoum wireless network
- we have optical fibers in the many campuses, connected via leased line to internet, but no interconnection among them, and this is very expensive
- oldest university of sudan
- 6 campuses: central campus, medical sciences campus (7 Km), natural science (15 Km, over the nile), education (17 Km), soba teching hospital (25 Km), nursing hospital (5 Km)
- 17022 undergraduate students
- 18 faculties and schools
- 18 institutes
- 6 campuses
objectives of wireless networking
- provide conveninet network access for students and faculty
- reduce IT administration time (i.e. providing connectivity for conference rooms, etc...)
- connectivity for off-campus buildings
- cost management (i.e. reduce telephone costs)
- provide students with constant access to resources to improve their education
- provide staff with resources needed to perform their jobs
- extending connectivity to off-campus faculties and admin building
- reduce the large cost for extending the existing optical fiber backbone
- solve the problem that the access to internet is now limited to computer lab and few staff offices
- solve the problems due to diversity of devices, OSs, network connections
argument for adopting wireless technologies
- improve the existent ???
- develop innovative applications ???
- expand existent resources ???
- answer : Yes Yes Yes
- start with a pilot project
plan - phase 1
- use the tower at faculty of engineering as central AP
- connect two buildings to this (inst. of environmental studies at 500 mt and univ. service admin at 1500 mt)
plan - phase 2
- intercampus links using wireless
benefits of wireless links
- intangible
- access to accurate info
- staying connected
- easy maintenance
- simple installation
- tangible:
- decreased telephone bills
- increased productivity, not tied to a fixed location
- decreased cost of office materials
capital investment cost
- total 3.925 USD including renewal and maintenance (2 links)
device specs
schematic diagram of one link
Questions and answers:
- sebastian: because you listed even detailed items in the equipment list, it looks like some things are missing (you included cables, but not connectors. etc...). maybe some more things are missing (i.e. firewalls, etc..., they are in the scheme but not in the shopping list)
answer: we have already an infrastructure, many things are already available. what we miss are some interconnection links
- radicella: maybe what you could add is a one-line clarification that these things are already available
Johnson I. Ejimanya - Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Nigeria
A proposal for an integrated wireless computer network for on-campus and off-campus communications and web access
- university established in 1980, one of the 5 federal univ. of technology
- 25 Km from owerri city centre
- map of the campus location (45.8 Km sq)
- the active area of the campus is much smaller, due to financial crisis after the economic boom
academic stats
- no campus-wide network
- less than 50% of students is staying in the campus
- staff and students have to travel a lot
- the on-going activity to deploy a wired network is very slow, will not be able to solve the problem
- university innovation project (informatized admin) need a network
university strategy
- decision to set up an ICT dept
- univ. teamed up with a private company to develop a wireless infrastructure
choice of wireless solution
link budget
link budget
- for local radiolinks at 2.4 GHz
proposed network topology
project cost
- total 29950 euro
- including VSAT, APs for 4 sectors, etc...
Questions and answers:
- struzak: it may be useful in future to organize a training activity on how to organize a trining lab, etc...
- precious: why 50 ethernet switches?
answer: they are already in place, etc...
- sebastian: so, better to state that it's part of your self-contribution to the project
Final considerations
- radicella: each one of you can please prepare a 5-pages doc that describes in summary your project (including human resources), etc...
- radicella: it would useful if in the next 45-50 days you prepare and improve these documents and send them to the people that have been advising you, get the reaction and suggestions, and in 60 days collect back a final verison, it could be possibile that we are able to promote these projects with potential donors and funders.
- radicella: thanks to all of you!
- struzak: it may be useful in future to organize a training activity on how to organize a trining lab, etc...
- precious: why 50 ethernet switches?
answer: they are already in place, etc...
- sebastian: so, better to state that it's part of your self-contribution to the project
Final considerations
- radicella: each one of you can please prepare a 5-pages doc that describes in summary your project (including human resources), etc...
- radicella: it would useful if in the next 45-50 days you prepare and improve these documents and send them to the people that have been advising you, get the reaction and suggestions, and in 60 days collect back a final verison, it could be possibile that we are able to promote these projects with potential donors and funders.
- radicella: thanks to all of you!
- struzak: thank you for the effort of providing reports on the wiki.
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