Chomora MIKEKA, BSc in Electrical & Electronic Engineering Assistant Lecturer in the Department of PHYSICS, Chancellor College, University of MALAWI P.O Box 280 Chirunga Campus, ZOMBA, MALAWI Tel: +265-8-386-700 chomoramikeka@yahoo.com http://www.chanco.unima.mw/physics/cMikeka


Wi-Fi (802.11b) is a de-facto IEEE standard in Wireless Local Area Networks that allows various networking tasks, such as remote login, file transfer, e-mail, to be done in more efficient manner. In this paper, we report our collaborative efforts, having made use of a number of research papers mostly from Aeronomy and Radio Propagation Laboratory, ICTP, Italy and Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, U.S.A reference: owpurbo@sunee.waterloo.edu, to adopt and deploy a pilot model of wireless internet service at an extended mile or some feet away from the Chancellor College library roof top, based on Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) modulation technique to enable the development of low cost but more efficient access solution favourable in developing countries like MALAWI. Such a deployment accommodates and propels the requirements and efforts in research as well as social-economic community development. The impetus to consider extension service for information was in direct response to the need seen in the country (MALAWI) for access to valuable information archived mostly at Headquarter (HQ) level and lacking at the branch networks especially in the agricultural sector (reference 2004/05 National ICT scan and e-readiness assessment/ CTA report, Wagengen, Netherlands). It was clear from the e-readiness assessment that if IT facility (infrastructure, access and content) was available and delivered to the agricultural extension worker and ultimately to the farm gate, the extension service could be enhanced and market price mechanisms facilitated and as a result the National Economy would proportionally increase with respect to the large coefficient or scaling of agricultural production on the national GDP (require to run a national economic model of ICT contribution on national economy as a measure of its impact on the national GDP). Taking the liberty of using the available and engross distribution of the 64Kpbs digital ready lines from the national’s only landline provider, interception of such data lines and re-broadcast of such useful traffic via wi-fi (low cost and versatile option) could grace the extension worker in the remote or rural area with the needful content in agriculture like meteorological info, land management, pest control, food security modes, market and price models among other benefits and in no or little time loss. It was never going to be believable and acceptable to propose a wi-fi extension for such a national challenge, even though the country has experienced successive devaluation of the KWACHA currency (inflation) grossly due to lowered agricultural production baskets, until that we had developed a pilot model to prove that the concept works. The content that follows below therefore is a textual cast of the design specs, target institutions for the pilot phase, performance status, funding enquiry for the issues and scenarios that arise from the pilot phase model.

Keywords: wi-fi, AP, LOS, P2P, P2M, twin radio, extension worker, farm gate.

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